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Ethical Coaching - How and Do We Need to Change? (Cpd)
The British Horse Society South West
Mon 30 Sep
Duchy College Stoke Climsland
Stoke Climsland
PL17 8PB
Contact Details:
Event Secretary
Phone: 02476 840732
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Additional Event Information
The riding of horses for leisure and sport is being questioned and we need to ensure that this is preserved for the good of the horse and for the generations of riders yet to come.
As the eyes of the world are cast in the direction of equestrianism, how we train horses and coach riders has never been more important, especially where social media is judge and jury.
This training day will cover our Social Licence to Operate (SLO) and how we can better understand our own responsibilities to ensure a future for the equestrian world.
This day is open to all but is predominantly aimed at coaches, and will cover how we have got to this moment in time, responsibilities, acceptable practice and terminology and will provoke discussion on how we protect horses, riders and coaches as our sport is scrutinised.
The morning session will be a presentation and discussion on SLO and the afternoon will showcase some practical lessons to bring the theory to life.
Presenter: Danny Anholt FBHS
�35.00 - BHS Accredited Professional Coaches
�40.00 - Others
This day will count as 6 CPD points for BHS Accredited Professional Coaches.